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Hi, I’m avery hoenig.

I have struggled with pretty significant anxiety since I was a small child. One memory that stands out was a tornado drill in 3rd grade. I crouched under the cubbies, put my hands behind my head, and held onto my best friend’s hand for dear life. In my mind, we were destined to be struck by a tornado at any minute. Why would we practice for something that wasn’t going to happen? Since that time, I have learned a lot about how to manage my own anxiety, and I have devoted much of my career to helping others do the same.


As a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, I strive to teach my patients to become their own therapists. Most of my patients have seen improvement in their symptoms. However, stress and anxiety seem to be on the rise in the general population. In 2015, I started looking for ways to serve more people and promote prevention and mental wellness. I had the opportunity to talk with groups of parents and teachers in my community on topics related to grit, growth mindset, and resilience. I also started a podcast called Inspiration From The Couch with two of my colleagues. I have used my experiences in my private practice, my talks in the community, and my podcast to develop this course.

I graduated from Southern Methodist University in 2000 and completed my PhD in Clinical Psychology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in 2004. As a postdoctoral fellow, I had the opportunity to provide Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) on several research protocols funded by the National Institute of Mental Health. After I received my license, I served as a staff psychologist in the outpatient psychiatry clinic at Children’s Medical Center and on the Consult Liaison service at UT Southwestern Medical Center.  I opened my private practice in 2008, and since that time, I have used CBT to help children, adolescents, and adults to manage a variety of symptoms mostly related to anxiety and depression.
